Not rated


By Pansarbaggen
12/04/2011 - 09:33:11

Type: Colonial water vehicle
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: bandit, pirate, sealandaircontest, ship, sub, submarine


This mini sub was used by pirates to sneak up on ships with valuable cargo. The only way to see out was either from the hatch or the bow window, and it had no sonar/radar. It could be submerged for about 40minutes, but this mode was allmost nevar used because of the tedious procces. If the sub was going underwater, a hatch on top of the chimney was closed and all the fumes and smoke was isolated in the engine room. therefore it could not be submerged for long at all.


By DH106

The description seems to be there on my page? Anyway ,the parts have all been found - added to the contest! R .

By Pansarbaggen

I think it is a bug because the full description is not there.


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