Not rated

By zappedpanda
04/28/2011 - 01:57:46

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


By 98Alexander839

urrggg.... I spelled realized wrong, woops. I'm just a person who can't stand spelling things wrong, I don't know why.

By 98Alexander839

Haha, that would be hilarious. Oh, I just relized, I haven't buddied you yet. What's wrong with me? lol

By 98Alexander839

Thanks! Okay, here are two of them. My "Enigma Gwob" creation, and my "Gwobzilla" creation. Thank you for your help.

By 98Alexander839

Then of course delete it from your account after. So, are you still up for it? If you are, I'll tell you some creations that need "transferring".

By 98Alexander839

Ah, why thank you for asking. I was wondering if you could help me "get back" a few of my creations that have disappeared from my game. How you would do this is, edit a creation, save it as your own, publish it, let me edit and save it.


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