Funky armor for sale!!!!

By UberNoob24
11/16/2010 - 02:01:20

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: -2.66 (Bad)


Comment first, and you get the secret armor inside the box!!!! like an egg, but awesomerer!!!! also.....Question mark fail.


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By LightningTheif21

xD NO! They didn't exist, and uh, Gallimimus ae okay! Love your cats name. :3

By Dnadia

Erm...Ubernoob, the contests you were holding are over. Where are the results?

By BlackK_Fire

mate, your biomechs would rip mine to shreds anyday

By BongoBongo123

hehe good luck then :D

By ArsDraconis

Descardion is permanently banned.

By tomographics

That what club? lol. It is hot. Not to bad though.

By tomographics

Thanks for the support. Maxis do need to do something!!

By Julia110915

Thanks, it's just I'm making atventures for Lightclan so that you can go up a rank, but since you don't have it, it will be diffucult.

By Julia110915

Can you get Glacitc Atventures for Spore?

By techno605

I live in a small town called Kurri Kurri:) It may be cold where you are but it gets very hot here:( We sometimes have temperatures of 38-40 Celsius which is 104 Fahrenheit:(

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