By legoea06/24/2010 - 08:58:37
Type: Entertainment buildingRating: -1 (Not rated)
By Vader7 Im back,no i dont report people...its rude,lol!
By Vader7 There are some rude people in this world!
By Vader7 Do you know Pesteyben? He said some rude stuff to me,i cussed him out! Silberstein said some rude stuff to,cussed him out!
By Vader7 No offense,but are you male or female?
By JacktheBlade Kann u tell me how i make Flying things???
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By Vader7
Im back,no i dont report people...its rude,lol!
By Vader7
There are some rude people in this world!
By Vader7
Do you know Pesteyben? He said some rude stuff to me,i cussed him out! Silberstein said some rude stuff to,cussed him out!
By Vader7
No offense,but are you male or female?
By JacktheBlade
Kann u tell me how i make Flying things???