Tip About Hard Missions
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By krytogrl2009
04/19/2010 - 23:42:44

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


In my series "The Revenge" I have purposly made challenging missions, but some people can't compleat them. Heres my advice, play the mission in edit mode first, then play the actual mission. Or in some cases just make sure your captain is at a moderate level, but I would recommend that for my hard boss battles!


By Slyguy84637

I use a LVL 10 captain who has extra energy,health,lvl 5 jump and max attack

By Ital_Design99

I just right click to shuffle around bosses to keep 'em busy. Then meelee him with lightning strike and energy slash... But my cap'n dosn't have extra health or armour so when it siad to finish him again I got anhilated!


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