Paranoid, Parallel (v2 Fixed)
Not rated

By epicguy
04/11/2010 - 14:21:34

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.2 (Not rated)
Tags: detailed, epicguy, explore, horror, mind, other world, parallel universe, story, well developed


Car crash leaves captain unconscious, dwelling in his paranoid mind, which spawns a parallel universe. (Upon start of adventure, hold CTRL + SHIFT + C and type in styleFilter -nextGen to view the adventure how it is supposed to be viewed)



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By vagineer

Good storyline and stuff, but when you have to climb some thing just to kill the gatekeeper, i cant make it up there. plz add a jump pad or somthing or dont make it so steep

By epicguy

@Pakkik-Kahn: which act?

By epicguy

@CloudyVision: why thank you! I appreciate it =)

By CloudyVision

An epic exploration of a parallel universe. The music and lighting added to the effect of the amazing scenery nicely. I had to finsih this in the editor, though.

By Ophidia

Excellent adventure, something really different and weird! You do need a captain who is a good flier to complete it, though. My bat-winged captain couldn't finish it!

By Pakkik-Kahn

I'm stuck on the bit with the big balls of fire in the air, any help?

By Xenortes

Hey yeah no problem! Oh and thank you so much for your input, I needed to rework my adventure but didn't know where to start but with your help I know exactley what I need to do. That one was created a while back and already I have had a few really inspiri

By epicguy

@Xenortes: definitely a thank you! =)

By Xenortes

Definatley one of the best adventures I have played, you really have to appreciate the illsuion you created because not a lot of people take that kind of time... spot on man! I don't think I have ever clicked the thumbs up button faster.

By epicguy

@maxilos23: this adventure used a combination of adventureLook -norainbows and styleFilter -nextGen.

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