AOT - Regi Island
Not rated

By JakeG
01/04/2010 - 12:24:42

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)
Tags: blue, chimchar, darkness, destiny, master infernape, mystrey, mystrey dungeon, pokemon, pokemon mystrey dungoen, red, regice, regirock, registeel, squirtle, time


Adventurers of Time Chapter #1
Bring your captain in to my long thought of pokemon story as you discover your destiny, make the first even adventure team and take on missions and legendarys with your ever growing team. COPYRIGHTED BY JAKEG?



By 708pony

It was fun...but a little hard

By dannydlm

wow awsome adventure i kinda died but oh well awsome adventure like it r

By andrim


By JakeG

Remember i want all your feedback how did you like story characters, missions etc. Subscribe to me for more

By JakeG

Rememmber down downrate if u lose or i did somethign wrong, tell me here so i can fix it. No1 likes a downrater. Upraters are loved though xD


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