TLR-8B Bumbelbee
Not rated

By Koopa88
01/02/2010 - 19:28:39

Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: black, fast, grey, khaki, plane, radar, recon, scout, vtol, white


A long range reconesense plane mainly used for desert ops. The secondary undermounted fuselage contains a highly advanced radar and long range communication arrays. If compromised or done with the mission the craft will drop the radar wich will automaticly self-destruct, then activates the boosters and returns to base.


By happysean1234

Does the dark side have snicker doodles? Other wise, I'm not joining LOL!

By 95megatron

Good design

By Jat371

You can't set your points. It all depends on the difficulty, length, and popularity of the adventure. A hard adventure with a lot of plays will have high points. An easy adventure with few plays will have low points. Popularity makes a bigger difference th

By Koopa88

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