Not rated

By Kylerman20
12/10/2009 - 00:44:03

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: aa-12, cqb, kylerman20


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By CopperPip

actuly,shothguns can go far ranges

By lordofbacon

Id think that aa-12's are always CQB lol

By franzl_95

@MegaBlast Reddot Sight....

By Nathontue 2

In COD:MW2 the AA-12 is just inoying. You did an exellent job of making it though

By MegaBlast

ACOG scope?

By modmaker

Very good, except that the scope you have there is where the charging handle is, lol. Also for CQB, you would probably use either a red dot or the iron sights. Excuse my weapons obsession :P

By vicky64

a red dot woul be better for a shotgun thant a non-magnifant scope

By CaRnAgE13

WOW this looks like an AA-12 with and ACOG scope!!

By indydude99

make an F2000

By Kylerman20

It's a non-magnification red-dot "sight", not scope.

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