Not rated

By mellowmushroom
12/07/2009 - 03:28:07

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


How come in real life when I show off my creativity, I am made fun of but on spore, everyone likes my wacky creativity. Any comment?


By ironman911

(cont'd) Two others reached the orange face! WHY?!?

By ironman911

I get exactly the opposite. In real life, everyone acts like I am gifted at drawing road maps. On Spore, my creations are ridiculed or ignored. One of my sporecasts got tweaked "just a little" and lost an important substance. (to be cont'd)

By Zorgon28

@Lethe5683 Exactly, but almost everybody on spore is very open minded!

By WolfWhisperer

It's true they are just jealous. This person criticized my srawings then later told me they were actually jealous of it.

By Koopa Troopa

I Happen to Like Your strange creativity, And people who make fun of you probably want to have your creativity

By Lethe5683

People are generally narrow minded and obtuse.

By skulenergysword

i have a theorie people only make fun of you because they want to be you when they make fun of you they then think there better than you and on spore well every ones nice


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