Not rated
By teecobug
11/02/2009 - 03:59:25
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 1 (Not rated)
Tags: anoyed, care, days, dont care, hate, i dont care, rant, some days...., vent
ok, me out of all people should know this. sometimes you just gotta vent, so go ahead, say rude things about me, i wont mind. say whatever, i wont care. i jast had one of those "im extreamly agrevated but i wont care" days.
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By toucan96
[but mainly wimp]
By toucan96
so who's saying bad things about you?I'll.......get someone else to rough 'em up a bit. [eh, I'm a too-nice wimp :P]
By Ziggy1104
Teeco, I need your help, look at my creation titled What the Fudge! I need some advice on how to proove I have only 1 account.
By bigbear629
you are a nice person and i say nice things about you, take that:)
By seattleryanno
awww! i dont hate u, i hope u knw that
By Vultrio
Awesome '!' design. R+
By alfaz
Ignore what people think about you.
will you use my hand master template?
By DreamWarrior
By lumpyice
i understand how you feel i have a very difficult situation i live with in my home and i get the bad end of it al the time so i understand needing to vent your friend lumpyice:):):)
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