Not rated

By teecobug
10/01/2009 - 15:57:07

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


seriosly?! people keep telling me im "a good amiture" or "doing well for a rookie" why? i dont like people telling me, or me telling enyone else there not good. even tho they are puting it in a nice way, its still insulting. it feals like im being graded.... i hate it! and i go to there stuff because im expecting some famos snoby person, and i see someone who is no better then i am! im ok if people say to me something like constructive critisism, or say that they dont


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By Razzimatazzi

Amateur? SERIOUSLY!?!? Your more then just an amateur or a rookie. We should NEVER judge people by their works of art. NEVER!!

By Killsacky97

I've been playing this game for two years now and i still suck, care to give me some pointers?

By 97tristan

that sucks you are really good

By XLFries


By Imaginea

I think a lot of people do this and do not even realize they are doing it. I was taught if you do not have something nice to say just say nothing. Do not feel bad it happens to almost everyone.:D.

By ieaturlegoz

that sucks... you're just as good as i am!

By Ziggy1104

My Gosh! I HATE those kind of people! Even though they are sincere, it's VERY insulting! They are probably looking at earlyier creatures or stuff that you made random.

By jarrod97

need comments and hey im a roocky too

By Vultrio

Awesome creation. It makes sense. I myself prefer for people to tell me where I need improving rather then being graded. R+ though

By Frogman123

I feel your pain

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