Delicious Chocolate Cake
Not rated

By FilipT
08/01/2009 - 15:45:58

Type: Factory building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: chocolate, food, games, lie, portal, reference, silly


The cake is MAYBE a lie!


By drl2com


By Slaughter666

The cake is not a lie. In the end song of portal, GLaDOS says that the cake is delicious and moist, which means it's not a lie.

By CzDragon

(toto je jenom zkou?ka)

By CzDragon

Promi?, nem??u te? v?bec nic d?lat s mím sporekanálem, proto?e na stránkách ea to hlásí po?ád erory, ve spore to taky hlásí erory a na oficiálních stránkách nejdou p?idávat v?ci do sporekanálu, :( ale jinak díky za ty dobrodru?ství. :)


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