Brain Teaser 13
Not rated

By VandelAtWerk
05/30/2009 - 02:13:44

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.3 (Not rated)
Tags: brain teaser, mindtrap, puzzle, vaw


Mrs. Sharpie is lying dead on a bed, and on the nightstand beside it is a pair of scissors. The scissors were instrumental in her death, yet there is no trace of blood. Mrs. Sharpie's body reveals no signs of any cuts or bruises. How could she have been murdered with the pair of scissors.


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By VandelAtWerk

There were a lot of great ideals for the answer to this one. The answer was that she was sleeping on a waterbed (hence the bedframe design) and someone had cut the liner of the waterbed and she drowned. Great job Theifers, Blimpie07, and of course crwmik

By Blimpie07

She was on a water bed? Great job by the way!

By Madfear

He was using one of those artificial organ machines and cut off one of the lines that transported blood/waste/air.

By Pirate123

The scissors had no part in her death? Just a guess.

By darkdragoon64

uhh someone was threatening to kill her with them and she had a heart attack? man im not good at puzzles lol

By emilyg811

Someone used them to cut a rope attached to an anvil?

By k13ranp0gs0n

a lazer is fired through her window is reflected off the scissors and dies from the intense heats

By milkydeath

she cut the light cords when they were plugged in!?

By TorgOwl

Maybe she was ill, needed some machine's support to stay alive, and cut the cable?

By StarLuma

Hmmm....luckily i'm not an adult :D,and i'm guessing Mrs.Sharpie must of hired someone to kill her in her sleep.Some people die in their dreams.

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