Defense Challenge Shade72
By Shade72
02/12/2009 - 02:53:36
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 2.73 (Good)
Tags: defense contest, hilight, shade industries entry, ship
Euphoria Projectors energize a gas that bypasses shields/armor, placing the crew into a happy mood willing to negotiate. The rose colored negotiation deck helps delegates to see everything in a new light. If all fails, the planet buster missile won't.
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By logistic
wow nice one!
By T3814159
nice R^
By Hilight
perhaps we could start a forum thread for our discussions--I think public discourse like this is a very good thing--feel free to e-mail stuff if you want too
By Hilight
blue now R++++ Very creative creation and description Shade!
By NextToGone
Beautiful shape and details! Love the orb on the nose to!
By Shade72
Check out Highlight's page for contest rules and entry
By Shade72
Best viewed with an editor
By Shade72
The Shade Industries entry. This ship is guaranteed to do no physical or mental harm, as per the client's orders (Unless of course they happen to collide with the opponent's ship...we can't say for sure, but we're pretty certain the explosion may hurt)