AT-TE (with movable legs)
Not rated


By Joghurt
11/11/2008 - 23:36:34

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: at-te, clone trooper, star wars


(original by Joghurt)


By wtr409

Join my ASNC club! (Anti Stealing Noob Club) We will help you downrate noobs who copy your stuff! We will downrate those copys one by one untill there are no stealers with good rates! Please join! =o) (No stealers can be in the club, duh!)

By wtr409

Cool! Mind subscribeing me?

By 97shadman

cool im a star wars fan

By Kommissar94

Legs are disporionate check out mine i looked up the scales on wookiepedia

By Orihalco

pretty sweet. love all of your creations.

By CingularDuality

awsome man!!

By mihijes

THIS MODEL HAS AWESOME!!!! but had small damage =(

By maddd96

very cool


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