Delvega's Revenge (6) / Analysis

By SirIsaacC
01/16/2016 - 06:37:14

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
On your last quest on planet Delvega before Atheon wakes up, Fort Hellios is in dire need of help. Hellion invaders plan to overrun the camp. Stop them at all costs.
Win message:
Every settlement is in peace now thanks to you. Your dedication and pure strength will shurely scare Atheon. He knows you're ready Captain. Tread Carefully.
Lose message:
It will take some time to revive you, but you need to practice and know who you're going to face once Atheons wrath blows over.
ACT 1 :   Fort Hellios
For one last time the final fort in need of your heroic being is in need of assisstance. Fort Hellios has sent you their location.
ACT 2 :   Hellion Wave 1
The Hellion race has decided under the Queen's orders to use the last of their strength to overrun the village. Stop them! Wave 1: 1/5 Hellion types spawned.
ACT 3 :   Hellion Wave 2
The Hellion force has unleashed tougher soldiers to fight! Wave 2: 2/5 Hellion types spawned.
ACT 4 :   Hellion Wave 3
The Hellion have sent knights to weaken you! Wave 3: 3/5 Hellion types spawned.
ACT 5 :   Wave 4
The Hellion are using the most royal gaurds of the Queen to outwit you! Wave 4: 4/5 Hellion types spawned.
ACT 6 :   Wave 5
The Hellion Queen has revealed herself and is preparing a massive attack on you! Wave 5: 5/5 Hellion types spawned.
ACT 7 :   Last of Many
Speak with the Taragatuma Courser after your success of the massive attack.
ACT 8 :   Final Revolution
Return to your ship at the extraction point. Prepare to receive a call from Quinlan to discuss the plan tomarrow.
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