Battle Royale (Murfnator) / Analysis
By Jaserk
12/15/2012 - 17:25:08
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
With new contestants, this Battle Royale will be a smashing success!
With new contestants, this Battle Royale will be a smashing success!
Win message:
Please comment who won! Thanks for playing!
Please comment who won! Thanks for playing!
Lose message:
How? How could you lose?
How? How could you lose?
ACT 1 : Battle Royale
You have arrived at the arena! Talk to the arena attendant for more details.
You have arrived at the arena! Talk to the arena attendant for more details.
ACT 2 : The First Round
In this round, the Hideous Bullhound, the Sea Serpent predator, and Tynetheryon commandoes are competing.
In this round, the Hideous Bullhound, the Sea Serpent predator, and Tynetheryon commandoes are competing.
ACT 3 : The Second Round
In this round, we have the mechanized Droid, the fiendish Witch, and the avian Mijop.
In this round, we have the mechanized Droid, the fiendish Witch, and the avian Mijop.
ACT 4 : Break Round
A chance to rest a bit from all the excitement...
A chance to rest a bit from all the excitement...
ACT 5 : Final Round
The big round! Watch the war to your heart's content, than beam up to your next adventure!
The big round! Watch the war to your heart's content, than beam up to your next adventure!
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