Basic info
Intro message:
you are here to investegate a mysterious case, your sensors have indicaded a massive power sourse in the area. you did some reserch and it could be sporenoleum from the sporelement chart.
you are here to investegate a mysterious case, your sensors have indicaded a massive power sourse in the area. you did some reserch and it could be sporenoleum from the sporelement chart.
Win message:
Well all's well that end's well! You made a new freind, stoped a creep from cloning evil and you got spore point's score!!!
Well all's well that end's well! You made a new freind, stoped a creep from cloning evil and you got spore point's score!!!
Lose message:
without you Gremlock will countine to clone and clone evil. please try agian!
without you Gremlock will countine to clone and clone evil. please try agian!
ACT 1 : The strange case.
since your solving the case talk to the residents for more information.
since your solving the case talk to the residents for more information.
ACT 2 : Bill board new's
Tricera said to go read the bill board so go do that.
Tricera said to go read the bill board so go do that.
ACT 3 : Find your freind
Go look for Tricera, he could'nt have gone that far.
Go look for Tricera, he could'nt have gone that far.
ACT 4 : Down the hatch.
your in the submarine, but why are there a buch of bio tanks everywhere? Hey look! a smelly old guy! you should see what he's doing.
your in the submarine, but why are there a buch of bio tanks everywhere? Hey look! a smelly old guy! you should see what he's doing.
ACT 5 : A clone is created.
well after all that a clone is made but somthings fishy.
well after all that a clone is made but somthings fishy.
ACT 6 : The Criminals creation.
It turns out Gremlock is a criminal, and he's about to do somthing brutal!
It turns out Gremlock is a criminal, and he's about to do somthing brutal!
ACT 7 : Beat down the bad guys!
Time to give Gremlock what he deserves a beat down!
Time to give Gremlock what he deserves a beat down!
ACT 8 : It's all over
Gremlocks creepy cloning clinic has come to a end!
Gremlocks creepy cloning clinic has come to a end!
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