Add Your Spaceship!2 / Analysis
By Ultimatealien10
09/28/2011 - 03:53:08
Type: Socialize adventure
Rating: -3 (Bad)
Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to Add Your Spaceship! check out other peoples spaceships and make sure to edit and add your spaceship (with captain) add effects etc.
Welcome to Add Your Spaceship! check out other peoples spaceships and make sure to edit and add your spaceship (with captain) add effects etc.
Win message:
Rememeber Add YOUR spaceship and captain (in edit mode of course)
Rememeber Add YOUR spaceship and captain (in edit mode of course)
Lose message:
Ye Burnt In the lava didnt ye?
Ye Burnt In the lava didnt ye?
ACT 1 : Add Your Spaceship!
Check Out spaceships here (right now this is empty because its new) and make sure to add yours afterwards!!
Check Out spaceships here (right now this is empty because its new) and make sure to add yours afterwards!!
ACT 2 :
Talk and explore
Talk and explore
ACT 3 : Someone Just landed!
find him!
find him!
ACT 4 : Airatiko
Has just landed.
Has just landed.
ACT 5 : Beam away!
But you should explore first...
But you should explore first...
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