Re-released Mission 16 / Analysis

By CaptianYoung
06/22/2011 - 15:38:29

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
With the rebel army in hot pursuit, you and Captain Faldorian split up. Faldorian with the supplies, you with the tanks. Now you must travel through the stereotypical Dead-Man's Gorge.
Win message:
Off to the nearby GSF colony that has not been named so you can help some random space captain that you don't know. Sounds like fun!
Lose message:
With the knowledge of the rebel force lost, Jixt's base was eventually overrun by lots of unpleasant people. Please try again.
ACT 1 :   
Blast! The rebels have the gorge blocked off with mobile shield generators! We're going to have to take out those turrets and the entrenched riflemen first, though.
ACT 2 :   
Destroy those shield generators!
ACT 3 :   
Turrets on the canyon walls! They'll tear our troops to shreds! Take them out!
ACT 4 :   
We've reached the end of the canyon! Jixt's base should be just over the horizon, go speak with him.
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