The Revenge / Analysis

By krytogrl2009
06/17/2010 - 00:10:59

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You and your party members have entered the clock tower which is now being contoled by the slugs. Time to find those SteamPunks' leader and find that orb too!
Win message:
You must of really worked your butt off to kill all those SteamPunk slugs. Hopefully this will be the last time you do so for awile, but I doubt it will.
Lose message:
You'd better try again or the slugs will win...
ACT 1 :   The Help Desk?
No need for details here, just start the dang adventure already.
ACT 2 :   Oh No...
Nice going Jango! I guess we should just kill these guards now...
ACT 3 :   The Key!
Yes! The key to the elevator! Or is it.....
ACT 4 :   The Second Floor
Good thing we know how to work the elevator now. Nothing could possibly go wrong this...
ACT 5 :   Where's the Top Floor?
I think you'd better ask those workers where the top floor is. But what do I know? I'm just a Description Box.
ACT 6 :   The Third Floor
This must be the power generator room. This place has computers and the generator...but no air conditioning.
ACT 7 :   This is Getting Repedative...
Please let the next floor be the top floor!
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