Nebulae / Analysis

By RobotX31
03/06/2010 - 00:22:23

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the planet of Nebulae, which is currently populated with the Quitoron Species, a biological ancestor of the Flying Milail Empire, a Empire in the Galactic Order.
Win message:
Good, but what will happen next? Does this planet have a secret?
Lose message:
Planet Nebulae can be a dangerous planet. Want to try again?
ACT 1 :   Introduction
Talk to the Mayor! There may be something interesting to do!
ACT 2 :   The Museum
Go to the museum and explore!
ACT 3 :   Exhibits
Once inside the museum, examine the huge gate and talk to the keeper.
ACT 4 :   Travel
Get out of the museum and go to the mayor. He will arrange a ride to get you the Valley of Life. Go on the dock and jump ON TOP of the vehicle.
ACT 5 :   Are We There Yet?
Sit tight until the ride stops. From there, just walk until you reach the Valley of Life.
ACT 6 :   Clues
Try to find a clue and examine it.
ACT 7 :   The Trip
Go to the nearby dock and do the same thing with the vehicle that is there.
ACT 8 :   The Mining Site
Wait until the Carrier stops. Then, get off and collect 14 green jewels.
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