Coconova - Bitter and Sweet / Analysis
By Smashgoat
08/19/2009 - 03:28:01
Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.82 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
What IS this place? Besides DELICIOUS! Follow that path!
What IS this place? Besides DELICIOUS! Follow that path!
Win message:
Thanks to you, Dark and White have come together to bring you one tasty ending! May love and milk chocolate prevail over all (in that order)!
Thanks to you, Dark and White have come together to bring you one tasty ending! May love and milk chocolate prevail over all (in that order)!
Lose message:
How could you die on a planet so tasty?
How could you die on a planet so tasty?
ACT 1 : Meet the Dark Chieftain.
The Chieftain of the Dark Choba Tribe wishes to meet you. You should go say hi!
The Chieftain of the Dark Choba Tribe wishes to meet you. You should go say hi!
ACT 2 : Collect fruit for a gift.
Head to White Chocolate City; there's plenty of fruit in the valley on the way (and you don't need them all, silly!).
Head to White Chocolate City; there's plenty of fruit in the valley on the way (and you don't need them all, silly!).
ACT 3 : Find the White Dictatress.
Deliver your gift. She should be in the White Chocolate Castle.
Deliver your gift. She should be in the White Chocolate Castle.
ACT 4 : Escape the dungeon!
You, the "'spy,"' have been banished to the dungeon. Find the Easy-to-find Dungeon Key before the poison gas kills you!
You, the "'spy,"' have been banished to the dungeon. Find the Easy-to-find Dungeon Key before the poison gas kills you!
ACT 5 : Walk into the Light.
You made it! You're alive! Walk full speed into the light and see where it takes you!
You made it! You're alive! Walk full speed into the light and see where it takes you!
ACT 6 : Back to the White City!
Time to give the Dictatress a taste of her own medicine! Err, or the Shaman's medicine.
Time to give the Dictatress a taste of her own medicine! Err, or the Shaman's medicine.
ACT 7 : What is this feeling?
So fervid, and new? Is it love? Talk to the White Dictatress and see how she feels!
So fervid, and new? Is it love? Talk to the White Dictatress and see how she feels!
ACT 8 : Love is in the air!
The White Choba are flying to the Dark Choba to make peace! Better follow and make sure everything turns out alright!
The White Choba are flying to the Dark Choba to make peace! Better follow and make sure everything turns out alright!
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