Coconova - Bitter and Sweet / Analysis

By Smashgoat
08/19/2009 - 03:28:01

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.82 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
What IS this place? Besides DELICIOUS! Follow that path!
Win message:
Thanks to you, Dark and White have come together to bring you one tasty ending! May love and milk chocolate prevail over all (in that order)!
Lose message:
How could you die on a planet so tasty?
ACT 1 :   Meet the Dark Chieftain.
The Chieftain of the Dark Choba Tribe wishes to meet you. You should go say hi!
ACT 2 :   Collect fruit for a gift.
Head to White Chocolate City; there's plenty of fruit in the valley on the way (and you don't need them all, silly!).
ACT 3 :   Find the White Dictatress.
Deliver your gift. She should be in the White Chocolate Castle.
ACT 4 :   Escape the dungeon!
You, the "'spy,"' have been banished to the dungeon. Find the Easy-to-find Dungeon Key before the poison gas kills you!
ACT 5 :   Walk into the Light.
You made it! You're alive! Walk full speed into the light and see where it takes you!
ACT 6 :   Back to the White City!
Time to give the Dictatress a taste of her own medicine! Err, or the Shaman's medicine.
ACT 7 :   What is this feeling?
So fervid, and new? Is it love? Talk to the White Dictatress and see how she feels!
ACT 8 :   Love is in the air!
The White Choba are flying to the Dark Choba to make peace! Better follow and make sure everything turns out alright!
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