Elum's Oddysee / Analysis
By Mudokon117
07/23/2009 - 01:18:57
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You are Elum. I bet you weren't expecting that. Well, even Elum has a story. And here's his...
You are Elum. I bet you weren't expecting that. Well, even Elum has a story. And here's his...
Win message:
You did it! You got the honey! Oh, and you helped that Abe guy too. But mostly, YOU GOT THE HONEY!!!
You did it! You got the honey! Oh, and you helped that Abe guy too. But mostly, YOU GOT THE HONEY!!!
Lose message:
Hmmm... You lost. As a wise mudokon (sort of) once said, "'Oops"'. (Hint) You can jump farther by holding space.
Hmmm... You lost. As a wise mudokon (sort of) once said, "'Oops"'. (Hint) You can jump farther by holding space.
ACT 1 : Bell?!?
Wait! Was that your bell you just heard? Abe is back! You better go find him!
Wait! Was that your bell you just heard? Abe is back! You better go find him!
ACT 2 : Honey!
Abe, or honey... Honey. Go get some.
Abe, or honey... Honey. Go get some.
ACT 3 : Back on track
Okay, now you've got a full belly, let's go find Abe.
Okay, now you've got a full belly, let's go find Abe.
ACT 4 : Through the temple
Oooh. The temple has scary scrabs in it... You'd better watch where you're going...
Oooh. The temple has scary scrabs in it... You'd better watch where you're going...
ACT 5 : Nearly there...
Abe is near... You can smell it... But those nasty bombs and sligs are everywhere... You'd better watch out, or you'll be one toasty Elum.
Abe is near... You can smell it... But those nasty bombs and sligs are everywhere... You'd better watch out, or you'll be one toasty Elum.
ACT 6 : Abe!
Abe! You've finally found him! Go see what he needs.
Abe! You've finally found him! Go see what he needs.
ACT 7 : Doing Abe's job
Ugh... More danger... This is the hard part. Be VERY carefull, especially now that you've got Abe on your back.
Ugh... More danger... This is the hard part. Be VERY carefull, especially now that you've got Abe on your back.
ACT 8 : The end
Whew! You made it! Congrats!
Whew! You made it! Congrats!
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