UDF Command Center
No puntuado

04/08/2013 - 03:18:07

Tipo: Edificio de ayuntamiento
Puntuación: 0.14 (No puntuado)
Tags: big, building, command, sadiex, skyscaper, udf


An enormous command center in the middle of Elantria, the capital city of the UDF. (Please view in editor or in-game viewer.)


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Por MythicalMist

Damn. I am jealous of your building skills though. XD

Por MythicalMist

Damn. I love the usee of colours and sleek dessign to make it look so futuristic. Great work =)

Por HRmatthew

Another great building, it's nicely constructed and very shiny!

Por QueenBeth

It seems we have been taken over by some insecure creators who feel they must downgrade others. Please don't let them discourage you. You are a fabulous creator.

Por QueenBeth

You asked how to share in freedom.I have only had a few times when I could not share in freedom.Just remove a few items here a there until you can share. Annoying to have limits though.

Por QueenBeth

This creation is awesome! I can see you took some time and thought into it. Fabulous!

Por Castor1527

It is very goodd for an adventure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your comments.

Por Simago624

That's a shame, but not really surprising. I'm also only now realizing how terrible this site is for the social media platform it was used as. Too little too late, I suppose.

Por Simago624

Anybody else still here? Any big names or people I might know? I'm kinda surprised to see that you're being downrated?it's strange that someone would take the time to do that on such a dwindling community.

Por Simago624

You're still here after all this time? Well, I guess I am too... but I figured the place'd be completely deserted after five years! Anyhow, thanks for the comment, and neato building?I like the spires. R+

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