Nyan Template
No puntuado
Por Razzimatazzi
27/03/2012 - 01:35:53
Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Tags: credit to razzi
Yay! A template! By Razzi! :D
Add anything you want. :3
The only rules are that you don't change anything that isn't gray and that you keep the tags.
Have fun!! ^^
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Por SarahGoger
NYAN CAT!! :O *Jumps on it* WEEEEE wait *Pokes and i fall as its a flying nyan not moving* AHHHHH *Falls flat on ground* *Randomness* lol
Por brittbritt2000
it needs ears. owo
Por Blubird2008
BTW, I finished your B-day gift! :D
Por Blubird2008
Oh! It was Kahwren the Phoenix of Glory!
Por Blubird2008
And I used to do that with freedom, but I always ended up forgetting, so they wouldn't share. And one of them was super awesome, and now it doesn't exist anymore. Heck, I don't even remember it's name. It was something the Phoenix of Glory.
Por Blubird2008
Lol, I just noticed that your alt only has three creations and my alt only has three creations. HOW DUHZ EET HAHPEEN?!? XD
Por Blubird2008
Por Blubird2008
Well, "my" Dragons have a specific "style", as one might say, that is nearly impossible to recreate on SPORE. I can (usually) draw them, but can hardly make them. Unless it's the building editor, then SPORE loses all mental capacity and says, "NUUUU!!!-
Por Blubird2008
And at least your style for spaceship Dragons isn't eaten by complexity, mine always are, and are therefore nearly all epic fails. (Well, at least the ones of Karenai, Kichno, and Moraqishani.)
Por Blubird2008
XD This is a cute template, and is quite amusing when you turn Dragons into Nyan Dragons. XD
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