The Motherload (Locked)

Por Deathstrike
28/06/2009 - 22:26:37

Tipo: Aventura de búsqueda
Puntuación: 3 (Bueno)
Tags: adventure, betrayal, combat, deathstrike, dragon, eropsevoli, exterior, fun, goddess, gods, hard, interior, long, maxis, path, quest, shattari, slartibartfast38, space, tribal, vehicles


Take a journey of action, death, and betrayal with the crew of the Motherload. Now with more twist and a chance of a bright side!

Capturas de pantalla


Por Deathstrike

(locked) can't change captain, (selective) pick your own captain.

Por EropsevolI

I look forward to the challenge. BTW...What does locked mean? :) ~~Brenda

Por Deathstrike

Please tell me how you like this adventure, it is hard but compleateable.


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