Thank you!

Por 96Dragon156
30/01/2009 - 02:24:53

Tipo: Edificio de fábrica
Puntuación: 6.43 (Bueno)


Thank you for all the comments!! I thanked all of you already, but this is just one big one! (Forgive me if I didn't, tell me though so I can)


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Por BlackDragonlady

Thanks for your wonderful comments, your creations are wonderful keep them coming, great job, R+

Por Sandman121

Hey Dragon! Thanks so much for commenting. I see Serevanth has put your name out there lol. I honestly think he pulls more weight than the feature section. lol. I'll continue to check out your work, but if you make anything new just send me a message to my

Por Twitchiopolis

You really otta make a mailbox. Wanted to let you know I'm starting a weekly design challenge, just to get the creative juices going. Just look in my creations for CHALLENGE! if you're interested in participating.

Por johasbun

very cool!!!

Por 96Dragon156

yeah, I thought about that, but when I did I was half-way done with it. So I just left it.

Por BlankVerse

Regarding the angle: Especially with buildings or other creations where the view from in front is important, you should adjust your design accordingly. See my two versions of my Bouncing Ball Factory for an example.

Por conrad476

Wow nice 1.Thanks to you too it's great to have such a friendly really good creator around.R+ blued it

Por Serevanth

I hope that the comments have been coming in for you, its great to see you making the most of them and replying to everybody! :)

Por Kolo_Kritter

sorry typing error that is sopesed to be (dont get)

Por Kolo_Kritter

hey you should make a mail box for chat and other stuff thanks for rhe comment i dot get a lot of those

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