Can you survive the darkness / Análisis

Por MatterMen
12/08/2016 - 19:30:43

Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: -1.87 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
the darkness made your ship crash...repairing in 1 hour
Mensaje de victoria:
FINALLY! YOUR SHIP CAME EARLY! Lets all get some rest and hope this is a nightmare...oh how wrong we were (ps how the hell did u win?)
Mensaje de fracaso:
referencesSilence will fall-Prisnor Zero (Doctor Who)The stars are dying-Doctor who AGAINEvil robots-transformers dark side of the moondying universe-me
ACTO 1 :   The universe is dying
as the darkness closes on you and the stars and light fade you only have 1 hour to survive
ACTO 2 :   What just happened?

ACTO 3 :   He is dying

ACTO 4 :   Grox

ACTO 5 :   Send out the big guns!

ACTO 6 :   He called an army
reminds me of that book i was reading...(find the reference and pm me)
ACTO 7 :   What....the fluck...
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