By Cobra6099
01/23/2011 - 16:36:53
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 2.5 (Good)
Tags: cobra6099, inspiration, parkaboy
Everyday, I am inspired by someone and that someone is Parkaboy. I am inspired about his Xenoplanets and his old creations. I wish I would be great like him someday! :D
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By Beastmaster7700
Dont we all. Almost all the creator tricks I know I got from parkaboy. the man's a Genius! but I'm sure you already knew that
By Imajiine
You may still publish your entry as a few trophies are not yet claimed.
By OutoOlio
By Colian
Let your inspiration be yourself... and you can create beyond what your eyes see... but what is in your head... thats what I do...
By KmanKreates
naww... Actually that pretty much describes the way I create!!
By sharples88
Theres not enough dragons!! D:
By sharples88
It will be soon.
By sharples88
By sharples88
rank 3
By sharples88
See my new adventure!! :D
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