Spithathy Fuseway
By st888
01/02/2010 - 07:03:36
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 9 (Good)
Tags: absract, arch, art, black and white, color, colorlessjanuarycontest, grey, max woolf, no, st888
*For Max Woolf's Colorless January Contest*Why was this built? A gentle touch of winter with the subtle aroma of midnight. BAM! Time and Space will bend to your will. This is what happens when an electron is destroyed. Yin Yang.
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By chidog
Great job with shapes!
By Orion1004
Very beautiful, I really like this. R+++
By Himmelslaub
Excellent work!R+
By tjohn
Cool artwork!
By Max Woolf
Love when that happens--tweak, tweak, tweak, BANG! it's completely different. Added to the SC :)