Moon Warping / Analysis

By JakeG
12/18/2009 - 06:06:37

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Your Sennelin Warp Station has sent you to the closest named planet off Earth.
Win message:
You have destroyed the monster Bot who was guarding the Izz's warp station. You are now going to the home planet of the legendary and mysterious Chubber.
Lose message:
Neither side of ther moon found you worthy enough to be in their presence. You have failed your mission. Do you wish to try again?
ACT 1 :   Find info on your warp spot
I hope you warped safely Omega Jakeasaurus. You have warped to the closest planet to Earth. We have found life near you that could be friendly or deadly. Go find them and gain any info.
ACT 2 :   Explore the Moon with Spaceman
You have allied with this Moon landing Earthling but he seems as lost on The Moon as you. Try to find the main species and gain information about this mysterious moon.
ACT 3 :   Explore the Light Side
See if your allowed by the great Halo Izz and if you can snoop around for some info how to go to the warp station.
ACT 4 :   Gain entrance to the Dark Side
If you wish to have any hope of finding your warp station you need to gain entrance to the Dark Side. Beware you may find meteor showers during this very long journey.
ACT 5 :   Explore the Dark Side
Now that your allowed around find any info you can on their teleporters.
ACT 6 :   Fight to the warp station!
Looks like it was a trap! Fight through that Pwn-E Bot because that bot model his guarding seems to have some revelance to teleporting!
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