Zombie defence 2 - Hard / Analysis

By Vexont
07/21/2009 - 23:07:29

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0.14 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to zombie defence. Every wave there will be more zombies and your bases defences will improve. Defend your base at all cost, but kill every zombie on the field to progress.
Win message:
Congradulations! You have defeated every zombie hoard!
Lose message:
The zombies have killed you and your base. Way to go.
ACT 1 :   Wave 1
Wave 1 : Minimal zombie hoard : 5 zombies. Defend the base and kill all zombies. Collect a blaster for more soldiers.
ACT 2 :   Wave 2
Wave 2 : Minimal zombie hoard : 10 zombies. Defend the base and kill all zombies. Collect a targeting processor for the turrets.
ACT 3 :   Wave 3
Wave 2 : Moderate zombie hoard : 15 zombies. Defend the base and kill all zombies. Collect a structural integrity scroll.
ACT 4 :   Wave 4
Wave 2 : Moderate zombie hoard : 20 zombies. Defend the base and kill all zombies. Search nearby ruins for a statue of power.
ACT 5 :   Kill it with fire!
Wave 5 : Boss level! Defend your base and kill al- WHAT IS THAT THING!?!
ACT 6 :   Wave 6
Wave 2 : Large zombie hoard : 25 zombies. Defend the base and kill all zombies. You now have a walker and a wall to fend off those nasties!
ACT 7 :   Final 7 - Final showdown
Wave 2 : Huge zombie hoard : 30 zombies. Defend the base and kill all zombies. This is the final showdown!
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